About Me
Hi I am Cong Sheng
I am currently a research engineer at the Institute of Microelectronics (IME), a research institute under Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).
As a fortunate recipient of the National Science Scholarship (PhD), I look forward to pursue my PhD starting from Fall 2023 in the research area of energy-efficient computing. I believe that through software-hardware co-design and drawing inspiration from the biological brain, we can work towards a much more sustainable, adaptable, and intelligent computing paradigm than what we have right now.
Beyond research, I have multiple interests. I enjoy experimenting with brewing coffee (i.e. French press and Aeropress), working out, reading, and volunteering at Causes for Animals (CAS), a local animal shelter. Do feel free to reach out if you would like to have a discussion on similar interest(S) and you can download my CV here.
Student, Nanyang Technologcial University (NTU), School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
2018 — 2022
Pursued my undergraduate study with the Nanyang Scholarship, the foremost undergraduate scholarship at NTU. Being in the CN Yang Scholars Program, I was able to pursue a multi-disciplinary and research-focused curriculum on top of my major in EEE. Beyond the academics, I was a active in Garage@EEE, MLDA@EEE, EEE Outreach Committee, and my hall of residence-Pioneer Hall. Through these student-run clubs, and committees, my time in NTU had been enriching. Graduated with honours (highest distinction), gained exposure, and made new friends.
Research Engineer, Institute of Microelectronics
2022 — present
Continued my research on spiking neural network under my co-supervisor (Dr. Gao Yuan) from my final-year project back in NTU, which led to a submitted paper currently under review. Currently, I am exploring deeper into hardware modelling and implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms such as convolutional neural network, and spiking neural network.