MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems, a very mouthful word) are used as multiple hardware such as sensors, display chips, and switches. As the demand for Internet-of-things (IoT) increases, and MEMS which are used in embedded devices are increasingly important. However, wireless communication is an energy-expensive process in the overall energy budget, which needs to be low to ensure the small form factor of MEMs. Phase-locked loops (PLL), with their elegance in their simple design for complex behavior, can be used to provide an effective and efficient modulating system for MEMs, such as through frequency-shift keying (FSK).

This research project explored the use of the PLL-FSK demodulation circuit system using MATLAB Simulink, and consolidated some of the basic design principles for such demodulator circuits in MEMs. The project was supervised by Assistant Professor Zheng Yuanjin.

Communication System

Image above: The full modulation-demodulation system modelled using MATLAB Simulink.

PLL Model

Image above: The PLL model used within the overall system.

Signal output

Top: Modulated signal as PLL input (yellow) and PLL voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) output (blue). Middle: Signal detection output (yellow) and original unmodulated signal (blue). Bottom: Filtered VCO input.